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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Shocking Truth About Collagen Diet Supplements And Collagen Creams

The Shocking Truth About Collagen Diet Supplements And Collagen Creams

It never ceases to surprise me that a big number of people actually believe that they can make their skin younger and healthier with the help of collagen diet supplements and collagen creams and lotions. If you are one of those people, let me tell you something - it is not true at all. Read this article fully if you want to know why.

Collagen is a natural protein synthesized by your skin cells. The key terms in that sentence are ' natural ' and ' synthesized '. What it means is that your skin is capable of yielding proteins like collagen and elastin naturally. Inasmuch as why do people fall for fads like ultra - pure collagen supplements and creams? Let me tell you.

Your skin requires substances like collagen and elastin to stay young, and healthy. When you are young, your skin is able to produce a lot of these proteins and therefore it is able to retain its elasticity. As you get older, your skin ' s knack to produce these proteins deteriorates slowly and it becomes loose and saggy.

Thanks to the very much polluted environment that we live in and the fatal food that we eat, even people in their thirties show code of aging skin like wrinkles and produce. Surplus to rehearse, they shudders the way they look and start looking for something which can make their skin younger. This is where most people fail to choose the right skin products and fall for fads like collagen diet supplements and collagen creams.

Like I mentioned extreme, your skin cells are capable of direct these natural proteins all by themselves. You start developing wrinkles and other such code of aging skin when your skin ' s capacity to produce these proteins diminishes actually. So, what you need to do is simple - stimulate your skin cells to produce more of these proteins. Unfortunately, ultra - pure collagen creams and supplements will not be able to do this. Let me tell you why it is so.

Contrary to what most people think, the skin is not the only organ in the human body which requires collagen. Collagen makes up midpoint 30 % of the total protein content in the human body. So, when you take collagen diet supplements, the protein content in those pills is evenly distributed in your body and it does not help your skin in anyway.

Similarly, collagen creams and lotions are of no use whatsoever thanks to your skin is not capable of captivating collagen or elastin from any artificial source. So, even if you use such creams for months well-organized, you are not likely to get the results you want.

Do you take notice the point? Ultra - pure collagen creams and diet supplements are completely no good and they cannot do any good to your skin. Now, you might be puzzlement ' what can I maybe do to get younger, fresher looking skin? ' Awe not - there is a solution.

There are some very good natural substances which can update your skin cells and incite them to produce more collagen and elastin. By using skin creams which have these substances, you can get rid of wrinkles and lines and make your skin look younger and healthier than ever.

Substances like cynergy TK, phytessence wakame, coenzyme Q10, active manuka honey, and natural vitamin E are known for their might to boost collagen stab in the human skin - signal that collagen diet supplements and creams can never do. They also popularize new cell growth, fight the free radicals which impair your skin, and moisturize your skin thoroughly to keep it soft and budding.

By using a good organic skin cream which contains these substances, you can improve your skin condition and get younger, healthier skin in an amazingly short word of time.

The best part about using such natural skin care products is that they do not cause any side effects. So, there is no need to plague about allergic reactions or other such problems that are usually associated with artificial skin care products. In other words, these skin creams are a safe, natural, and effective alternative for ultra - pure collagen products and diet supplements.

It is easy to get younger looking skin once you catch on how your skin works. My dispute to you is - why waste your time and money on inoperative methods that do not give you any results when you have an easier, safer choice that actually gives you the results you want? So, announce no to collagen diet supplements and creams and start using good organic skin care products.

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