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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Alternative Colon Cancer Treatment

Alternative Colon Cancer Treatment

The sizeable intestine is made up of the colon ( the considerable five to six feet ) and the rectum ( the last six to eight inches ). This is where the last stage of digestion occurs and where solid squander is subject until it is released. Colorectal cancer is second only to lung cancer among cancers that kill both men and women. Mostly credited to an increase has been declining during the ended decade.
Most colon cancers materialize in people over fifty. Its strikes men and women halfway equally. Colorectal cancer develops over a ten to fifteen week interval and produces no symptoms until it is dissimilar. If the disease is detected early enough and the tumor has not metastasized, the survival percentage is fairly high.
Recommended alternative and natural treatments for colon cancer:
It was once believed that a high fiber diet protects the colon by reducing the time any harmful carcinogens that are nowadays in the stool are in contact with the intestinal wall. There have since been unsimilar reports on this, but most health professionals still recommend a high fiber, low fat diet. A high fat diet has a bulk link with colon cancer. Either a vegetarian diet or a diet low in red meat, alcohol, and processed foods and high in vegetables, fruits, soy, fish, whole grain breads, and cereals, as well as low or non fat dairy products and lots of fruits and vegetables juices offers optimum dietary protection. Garlic, broccoli, moolah, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts. Citrus fruits, melons and dark green, red, and yellow vegetables are recommended for their antioxidant and sulfur compounds. Tomatoes may lower risk. Consumption of chlorinated water has been linked to a greater incidence of colon cancer. Coffee has been reported to have positive effects on reducing colon cancer risk.
Beta - carotene, calcium ( 1, 200milligrams daily ), selenium and vitamins C and E, and the elongated - period use of a multivitamin containing folic acid ( considerable 400 micrograms daily ) have been linked to a down-and-out risk of colon cancer. Probiotics ( which can be found in yogurt and supplements ) may inhibit colon cancer. Low levels of vitamin D and perhaps, excessive unyielding intake, have been associated with a bounteous wager of colon cancer. Quercetin has been shown to have anticancer properties with respect to colon cancer.
We will test now some highly recommended alternative treatment for colon cancer. We all know that alternative treatments are now gaining recognition in the scientific world. These treatments are not only dealing with the effects but are treating the cause. That’s why most of it are all effective if helpful followed properly. All alternative treatment are non invasive and its the highly recommended treatment by almost 15, 000 European doctors. Alternative Colon Cancer Treatment as provided by the “one skimpy cure for all diseases” has gain prominence to a lot of people. The claim is so simple; studies revealed that if you deprive a cell 35 % of its required levels of oxygen for 2 - 3days, the cell would become cancerous and malignant. Most likely people don ' t understand that scarcity of oxygen is not only the underlying cause of cancer but is also the cause of most diseases. When the body is supplied with abundant and enough amounts of oxygen, no cancer cells, viruses, harmful bacteria, toxins, pathogens and disease microorganisms can survive considering they cannot survive in a highly oxygenated environment in our citizens.
For further info and education about Alternative Colon Cancer Treatment, colorectal cancer – prevention and treatment and for more articles about the causes, symptoms and diagnosis of colon cancer. Ethical supersede the link and watch also the 5minute tape presentation for final assessment:

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